.......to Spiritual Thai
It's been a long time coming but here it finally is, my website! My online booking system is not quite ready to add, there's a few wee glitches to iron out but it'll follow shortly. In the meantime, happy reading and let me know what you need working on ....(your back is looking tense....!).

(May all sentient beings be free of suffering and its causes)
Both floor (mat)-based and table-based treatments offered. *Floor-based bodywork affords me greater flexibility in treating you. It is undertaken on a comfy, specially constructed Kapok Thai massage mat.
60-minutes Thai-yoga-Massage (vigorous or calmer) *£55
90-minutes Thai-yoga-Massage (as above) *£70
2-hour Thai sessions £100
* For your first treatment with me, provided two sessions are booked together, I offer £50 and £65 respectively! (*valid when the 2nd treatment is received within a month from the date of the initial first).
Thereafter, I can offer you two 60-minute sessions *booked together for just £99 or - two 90-minutes sessions booked together at just £126
To treat anxiety issues, sleep-related issues and other aspects of a particularly overly-active mind, try my Neuromuscular point-release therapy: Very specific points around the head, the Solar plexus, the hands and feet are very gently and slowly pressed – for very specific timeframes – in accordance with my patient’s breathing. This requires total concentration on part of the practitioner and a very quiet, calm environment. All you do is lay down, keep warm and totally relax, both mentally and physically. More than likely you’ll drift off to a pleasant sleep – this is the case with most people as it’s a condition of the natural state. Make contact with me to discover more about this treatment and how this benefits you. Some of my regulars are warming to this.

Let your worries flow from you
Safe practice...
A personal raport
Let yourself
be silently
by the
strange pull
of what you really love.
It will not
lead you
- Rumi

"Sawatdee krab"!
What are your needs? Focussed remedial therapy for your naggingly tense upper back and shoulders and neck from all that PC usage or driving or lifting children, or exercise weights; Is it your sore and tender lower back area from that gardening, house chores, your manual job, that yoga retreat, all that dance training, skiing or because you've still not completely corrected your posture each day - or your injury or natural alignment causes poor posture? Maybe your legs are overly sore and tight from all that distance running or sprinting or the cycling that you love so much. Or maybe your feet require attention for the same or similar reasons? Or maybe all you need is to completely unwind, let go and receive an hour or so's worth of really joyous, calming, relaxing, soft, gentle, pampering massage treatment to include your hands, feet and gentle head work?
Or, maybe what you are looking for is to simply experience this Thai "yoga" massage that you keep hearing about and seen on TV, for the first time - or maybe you've received this on holiday - whether you'd like traditionally-delivered dynamic, uplifting Thai bodywork or a more gently applied version of that which features soft tissue therapy. Well, I can deliver all these for you, or someone close to you. Over the coming weeks you'll see some photo's of myself at work and the occasional short video clip so you can see me in action whilst I explain what I'm doing and why. Additionally I'll post a monthly blog about Thai-yoga-Massage, how it entered my life, it's benefits and about related health issues generally. I aim to keep it simple yet informative. Lets see what happens!
Wishing you 'Good Health' (ขอให้สุขภาพแข็งแรง ร่ำรวย และมีความสุข) (kɔ̌ɔ hâi sùk-kà-pâap kɛ̌ng-rɛɛng, râm-ruai lɛ́ mii kwaam sùk)
Paul Davis ~ Spiritual Thai
Look out for announcements of my new Venues across various South-East London locations!
07501 978 509 (I'll respond to your voicemail asap if I'm treating a patient when you call). Line open 8am - 10pm Mon - Sat, 9 - 8 Sundays
To email me: